This opinion piece is part of a series written by community members from New York’s 22nd state senate district, explaining why they are voting to reelect Senator Andrew Gounardes in the 2020 election. Early Voting begins Saturday, October 24 and runs daily through Sunday, November 1. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3. Find your polling site at: https://findmypollsite.vote.nyc/

Every once in a while, someone comes into your life and you just know that person is someone you want to be friends with. For me, that person appeared in 2011, and his name is Andrew Gounardes.

I would run into Andrew at community events, we knew many of the same people, and I made note of his community engagement. He seemed to be everywhere! Little did I know that less than a year later, a hurricane would come barreling through NYC, leaving a wake of destruction. Justin Brannan gave me a call and said four words to me: “We need a Kitchen.”

We had one set up in 3 days and food donations came flooding in. We struggled to make meals with what little we had, but we did, and we fed countless number of people from Red Hook, Coney Island, Staten Island, Marine Park, Gravesend, Gerritsen Beach, Sheepshead Bay and beyond.

But we were woefully short on food and funds. I received a phone call from Andrew Gounardes. He had quietly arranged a grant for us — a bunch of ragtag sous chefs, cooks and neighbors — so that we could keep operating. We were able to get those emergency funds in just a few short days, enabling us to then provide nutritious meals packed with protein.

That grant was our lifeline and we would not have been able to continue without it. There is no doubt in my mind that the grant Andrew was able to secure for us, saved our pop-up kitchen, which continued to provide 25,000 meals in 28 days to so many neighbors, first responders and recovery effort personnel.

Andrew saw a need, acted on it and delivered, because that is who Andrew is. Over the past two years, as our State Senator for state senate district 22, I have witnessed Andrew recognize a need on countless occasions, act on it, and deliver for the people he represnets. Unions are stronger because of him, pedestrian safety has been improved, essential worker benefits have been extended, sexual harassment in the workplace legislation has been strengthened, and countless other bills that Senator Gounardes has introduced, have passed into law or are pending. What is also impressive is that he is not afraid to go up against our Mayor and Governor when they need to be held accountable for terrible decisions.

On a personal level, after over a decade of being stalled in the state legislature, the Child Victims Act was finally passed. This gave my cousin Cory the opportunity to seek justice for the abuse he suffered as a child. My cousin has had substance abuse issues, has been hospitalized a number of times for depression, and has not been able to get past the abuse he suffered as a teen. Passing the Child Victims Act put the power back in his hands, and he can now get the help he so desperately needs.

I have watched Andrew over the past two years become a state representative that I am proud to have voted for. I have not for one second regretted my vote then and I will be voting for him again this election. At a time when our federal government has abandoned our state, we need a strong representative who will guide us through the financial hardships facing our state and all New Yorkers now and in the coming years.

Andrew’s clear thinking, his integrity, his compassion, and his leadership are needed now, more than ever. I am a proud member of #TeamGounardes and look forward to checking off his name on my ballot!